Technical Workshop
(in cooperation with the California Department of Water Resources and David Ford Consulting Engineers, Inc.)
Feb. 27-March 1, 2018 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Wildland Fire Training and Conference Center at McClellan Business Park
3237 Peacekeeper Way, McClellan, CA 95652
Room Number “N115 Guide”
Directions and building directory
Workshop Fee: $100 for CWEMF members, $200 for non-members, and $40 for students
Pre-registration is required. Refreshments included all three days, lunch not included.
To reserve your seat, please email to and pay by Paypal below or send your check to:
CWEMF, P.O.Box 5051, Vacaville, CA 95696-5051
DWR’s flood system improvement efforts continue to reduce flood risk in California. To support decision making for these efforts, DWR has developed models of flood hazard, flood consequence, flood management system operation, and economic and life risk within the Central Valley. The objective of this three-day workshop is to describe those models, including their development, availability, and use with focus on the Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (CVFPP). Application of the models for floodplain mapping, economic risk analysis, and flood management planning will be demonstrated. To the extent feasible, attendees will use the models, datasets, and published results of application for illustration.
Important Notice – Attendees are required to bring their own laptops with the following software pre-loaded: HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, HEC-ResSim, HEC-FDA, HEC-DSSVue, FLO-2D, and IPAST. Prior to the workshop, links to the free/public versions of the software will be provided.
Lodging: The Lions Gate Hotel McClellan is within walking distance from the training center. For more information, visit
Parking: Parking is free at the training center.
Workshop Building Entrance Map: