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Integrated Water Flow Model (IWFM) Version 2015 is a water resources management and planning tool that simulates land surface and root zone flow processes, groundwater, stream flows, and surface water-groundwater interactions. Tile drains, subsidence, lakes and lakegroundwater interactions can also be simulated. IWFM models groundwater flow as a threedimensional system and solves the governing flow equation using the Galerkin finite element method. A unique feature of IWFM is the land use-based approach of calculating water demands. Agricultural and urban water demands can be pre-specified or calculated internally from userspecified land use distribution, soil properties, climatic conditions and farm water management practices.
This is a companion workshop to the IWFM Demand Calculator (IDC) Version 2015 workshop which is offered separately (last offered in December 2022) and specifically concentrates on the land-surface and root zone component of IWFM. Workshop participants will learn the basic concepts and mathematical methods used in IWFM and will have hands-on exercises that will teach them how to build models from scratch. Workshop participants will need to bring a laptop computer with several programs installed, including MS Excel, and a powerful text editor such as TextPad. Before the workshop, participants will need to download workshop materials (presentations, hands-on examples and guidelines for these examples) and install the IWFM Excel add-in.Major topics will include: