Ammonia/Nutrient Issues and Regulatory Oversight in the Delta
Fri., October 28, 2011 8:30 - 12:30 Cal-EPA Building Sierra Room Auditorium - Second floor 1001 I St., Sacramento
Why did ammonia suddenly become a hot topic in the Delta? In this ½-day briefing from subject matter
experts, our aim is to present information to clarify the issues and hypotheses on how ammonia levels in the Deltamay be affecting nutrient dynamics. Topics include the State’s role in monitoring and
regulating Delta waters, why the State became involved in ammonia, a survey of data collected to provide a factual basis for potential Water Board decisions, how recent data collection efforts have improved our
understanding of ammonia dynamics in Delta waters, and recent modeling efforts that track the sources and fate of ammonia in upstream watersheds and in the Delta.
Briefing Schedule
8:30 Registration
9:00 Welcome 
Marianne Guerin, CWEMF Convener
9:10 Ammonia in the Delta and how the State Water Board got involved 
Mark Gowdy, SWRCB
Data collection, analysis and findings on the “Ammonia Issue”  Chris Foe, CVRWQCB
10:10 10-minute break
10:20 Conceptual model of ammonium utilization at the base of the Delta food web

Richard Dugdale, SFSU, Romberg Tiburon Center
11:00 Isotopic models, DSM2 QUAL and ammonia/nutrient dynamics in the Delta
Megan Young, USGS Menlo Park
11:40 Upstream Sources of Ammonia and Nutrient Dynamics in the Watersheds 
Carl Chen, Systech Water Resources
12:10 Wrap-Up 