Technical Workshop PEST Training Workshop (In cooperation with Dr. John Doherty, developer of PEST)
Tuesday through Friday, June 21-24, 2016 9:00am to 4:30pm Wildland Fire Training & Conference Center 3237 Peacekeeper Way, Room W120 McClellan, CA 95652 Directions 
Workshop Fee: $650 for CWEMF members, $850 for non-members, and $600 for students.
Registration through PayPal (button below) is requested.
Please email to reserve your spot.
PEST, and its suite of support software, undertake model-independent calibration and uncertainty analysis for complex environmental models. As such, PEST adds value to the use of models for decision-support, for it can bring to the decision
-making process the assessment of risk. To find out more about the PEST suite, visit The four day course is led by Dr. John Doherty, the developer of PEST.
The first two days cover basic PEST use. This includes traditional parameter estimation and basic linear and nonlinear
predictive uncertainty analysis. More advanced topics are covered over the next two days. These include highly parameterized
inversion, the role played by manual or mathematical regularization in the inversion process, spatial parameterization devices
such as pilot points, advanced linear and nonlinear uncertainty analysis and model-based hypothesis-testing.
The course includes lectures and workshops. However it is intended that it be as informal as possible so that there will be
plenty of time for discussion – especially on topics and models that are important to attendees. All participants will be given a flash drive which contains the latest version of PEST and all of its support software and documentation, together with reading
material, and a wide range of practical exercises that they can complete time permitting.
The course is recommended not just for those who wish to use PEST with their models, but also for those who use models as
a basis for making decisions and wish to understand more about what models can and cannot achieve in this important context.
The agenda is briefly outlined at the end of this notice. Lectures are interspersed with workshops and discussion sessions.
Course Instructor: Dr. John Doherty, Watermark Numerical Computing
Computer Requirements: Attendees will use their own laptops. Flash drives which contains the latest version of PEST, all of
its support software and documentation, and other reading material, will be handed out on the first day of the workshop. Additional instructions may be mailed to attendees at least one week before the workshop.