In coordination with
The CWEMF presents
METRIC Evapotranspiration Workshop
Intensive 4-Day Hands-on Training on Applying METRIC (Mapping EvapoTranspiration at high Resolution with Internalized Calibration) for Computing and Mapping Evapotranspiration from Satellite Imagery
Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday, August 23-26, 2016 from 8:30am to 4:00pm Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday, August 22-25 (Please Note the Change in Dates) Plant and Environmental Sciences (PES) Room 1137
University of California Davis, Davis CA 95616 Directions and Parking
Workshop Fee: $1,000 for CWEMF members, $1,200 for non-members, and $1,000 for students Registration through PayPal
(button below) is requested Visitor Parking is $9.00 per day on the UC Davis campus
All Training will be on desktops. You will not be able to use laptops.
Deadline for priority registration is July 29, 2016 (seats are limited)
This METRIC workshop will provide intensive hands-on training designed for engineers and analysts who wish to learn how to apply the METRIC (Mapping EvapoTranspiration at high Resolution with Internalized Calibration) process. METRIC is a
satellite-based energy balance approach for computing and mapping evapotranspiration at the field scale, and is generally applied using Landsat satellite imagery.
Dr. Rick Allen and Dr. Ricardo Trezza of the University of Idaho Kimberly Research and Extension Center
and Dr. Ayse Kilic of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will instruct the course. Allen’s group developed METRIC over the
past 15 years in partnership with Idaho Department of Water Resources and University of Nebraska.
METRIC application and training is done via Arc-Py and Python-GDAL coding, with some supplemental
ERDAS Imagine Modelmaker coding. Participants will be trained on programming and using Python environments and
ERDAS Imagine, the theory and background behind METRIC, how to calibrate and apply METRIC in a proper, intelligent
and accurate manner, and how to develop monthly and growing season estimates for ET. Participants will be provided with a METRIC training manual and the Level 1 METRIC code.
Each participant will have access to a desktop computing system. The desktops will be set up with all the
necessary software including ERDAS Imagine, Python, Arc-Py and GDAL library. Laptops cannot be used for this workshop.
Participants should be prepared for this course by having sufficient background in ET fundamentals and
aerodynamic and radiation physics. Basic image processing experience and remote sensing experience is useful but not
essential. A primer for the course that is highly recommended is: "An Introduction to Environmental Biophysics" by Gaylon
S. Campbell and John M. Norman, available from Please read chapters 1-8, 10-11, and 14 of this book prior to the course, if you can. A Google search brings up a pdf of the book at:
More information about METRIC is available at: and
Mosaic of METRIC ET of irrigated land in S Idaho for year 2000 (left) and close-up of METRIC ET image in Spain 2003