The successful completion of this review required the collaboration of many people.

The nature of the review, especially its focus on numerous benchmark tests, placed heavy demands on the voluntary contribution of the participant modelers. Without the willing contributions of K.T. Shum (CCW), Parviz Nader-Tehrani, Hari Rajbhandari and Ganesh Pandey (DWR) and Johm DeGeorge and Stacie Grinbergs (RMA), this review would never have happened.

Hubert Morel-Seytoux and Peter E. Smith contributed significantly to the design of the benchmark tests, to the management of the review, and most importantly to quality control throghout the entire exercise. Peter E. Smith contributed problem H11, and was responsible for the revisons of H4 and H5 as H9 and H10.

The Bay-Delta Modeling Forum initiated this review process and provided the steady resolve to see it through to completion. Leadership was provided by BDMF Chairs Wim Kimmerer, Richard Denton, Spreck Rozenkranz and Rob Tull, together with Executive Director John Williams.

Modified: 02-Sep-2001